Most of the time, I hold faith in the fact that for the most part, humanity as we know it is not all wrong. That despite all the yelling, pushing, shoving and name calling out there- that there is civility. I recently had a moment where most of my faith in humanity was lost - albeit a brief few moments.
I am not a person who is into watching reality television. Aside from a season of Ultimate Fighter on Spike and The Colony on the Discovery Channel, I do not get all enraged of who was voted off American Idol, or who punched who on Jersey Shore. I honestly find it a bit sad that so many people devote so many hours of the lives to watching other people make complete fools out of themselves for the sake of money.
With that said, over the last few weeks, on two occasions, I was switching through the television channels and happened to stumble upon Dancing With The Stars, a show which I truly do not see the point of. One time I stopped it just long enough to hear contestant Brandy commended for her excellent Fox Trot. The other night, I stopped just long enough to see Brady voted off in favor of Bristol Palin.
Yes, Bristol Palin - the daughter of former Vice Presidential hopeful Sarah Palin. The Sarah Palin, that despite that bid for the second in command slot at the White House that fell short, we are still stuck with hearing about day-in and day-out.
My first thought was "it's because she's Sarah Palin's kid" that she was kept on. But if she had been voted off, you know the thought would have been "she was voted off because of the people that don't like Sarah Palin." I didn't think it would really be made a big deal about...
...But I was wrong. So wrong. The way this matter was covered by many of the media networks and outlets would make you think that there had been a coup...or a threat to national security. But no, it was just about the results from Dancing With The Stars.
And that, right there, is the reason I do not get all engrossed in reality TV. Couple that with the advertisement that was recently done featuring Bristol Palin and The Situation of MTV's Jersey Shore (he also happened to be a contestant on Dancing this last season) about safe sex and abstinence. It was beyond ridiculous. It's done by the Candies Foundation. I would encourage you to watch it, but honestly, that is 1 minute and 45 seconds of my life I will never get back. It's YouTube if you care to see it!
I understand that many turn to reality shows as a way to escape, but honestly, don't you have enough drama? I try to live a pretty drama free life, but no matter what I do, a level of it always manages to find it's way in. I could not bring myself to watch an episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County or whatever area they are focusing on this year. Because honestly, if any of those people were in my life, I would have told them where they could take their drama and shove it!
Now I am off to try to find things that do not involve Sarah Palin, the Situation or Dancing With The Stars, in an attempt to rebuild my faith in humanity, and the brain cells that I lost in the process of suffering through all this nonsense.
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